appeals, and complaints

Appeals Policy and Procedure
The Appeals policy is designed to protect the interests of all candidates and also to protect the
integrity of the qualification.
Candidates have the right to appeal in the event that they are dissatisfied with the following:
• The assessment decisions made by Horse Bit Fit where applicable
• The assessment decisions made by the Awarding Organisation
• The decision by Horse Bit Fit not to support an enquiry or appeal to the Awarding
A copy of the appeals procedure is available to all candidates.
There is an informal and formal procedure available. The formal procedure is only to be
followed if the informal procedure has failed or is inappropriate for the circumstances. All
appeals must be via the formal procedures of the Awarding Organisation and supported by
the Centre Manager.
Every attempt will be made to resolve disputes as near as possible to the point of origin Horse Bit
Fit will keep appeals records for inspection by the Awarding Organisation
for a minimum of 18 months.
Informal Procedure
1. Where a candidate wishes to make an appeal against the quality of provision at the
centre he/she should first of all attempt to resolve the matter by a direct approach to
the Centre Manager.
2. If the matter remains unresolved the candidate may require a personal interview with
the Centre Manager.
3. Before the personal interview, the Centre Manager should have obtained an
independent second opinion on the initial decision.
4. If, after any action to resolve the dispute taken by the Centre Manager, the matter is
not satisfactorily resolved, the complainant may use the formal procedure.
Formal Procedure
Once the informal procedure has been exhausted, of if it is inappropriate to the
circumstances, the formal procedure is to be followed.
1. The complainant will be required to submit a formal complaint in writing to the Centre
2. Within 10 working days of receiving the written appeal, the decision of the Centre
Manager should be communicated to the student/trainee.
3. Decisions by the Centre Manager regarding the quality of teaching provision are final.
4. If the complainant disagrees with the result of the formal Appeals procedure regarding
assessment decisions, they may utilise the Awarding Organisations formal Appeals
procedure for which they must be supported by the centre. For details of the Awarding
Organisation Appeals Procedure, please refer to the relevant Awarding Organisation
Further Appeals
Any learner wishing to appeal against the operation of the Appeals Procedure can do so in
writing to the Centre Manager.
This policy has been approved & authorised by:
Name: Carol Cobbett
Position: Founder and Director Horse Bit Fit
Date: 1.6.18

Complaint – a grievance, problem, difficulty or concern
Horse Bit Fit recognises the importance of learner complaints and welcomes complaints
as a valuable form of feedback about its services. We are committed to using the information we
receive to help drive forward improvements.
This procedure outlines the aims of Horse Bit Fit in dealing with complaints and sets
out what you as the customer can expect when making a complaint regarding a service.
A complaint is a way of letting us know that you are not happy with a particular service. We
welcome your feedback. A complaint may be about delay, lack of response, discourtesy, failure
to consult or about the standard of service you have received.
So please let us know if:
- you think we have done something wrong
- we have not done something that we said we would do
- you are not satisfied with a particular service or set of services that we provide
We understand that it might be difficult for you to complain because you are worried that your
complaint could result in a poorer service. Please be assured that we treat all complaints in the
strictest confidence, and that it is your right to complain.
If you do not provide us with a contact name or address, it will not be possible for us to get
back to you with the outcome of the investigation
In the first instance, the complaint should be discussed with the team member concerned and
resolution sought within 48 hours of the incident occurring. If this is successful and a resolution
is reached, the complaint should be documented on the attached Appendix (1) and sent to the
Centre Administrator for filing. This should be received by the Centre Administrator by the end of
the next working day. There will be no further action taken.
In the case of an individual wishing to make the complaint, who feels unable to discuss the
complaint with the team member concerned, the matter should be referred to the Individuals’ line
manager within 48 hours of the incident occurring. The line manager should then contact the Centre
Manager within the next 7 days to make them aware of the complaint. The nature of the complaint
will be documented as per Appendix (2) and sent to the Head of Learning and Development.
On receipt of the complaint, the nature of the complaint will be brought to the attention of the team
member concerned and discussed within 48 hours of receiving the complaint. The Centre Manager
will then contact the individual making the complaint with a view to resolve.
If resolution cannot be found, the Centre Manager will arrange a meeting with all relevant
parties and agree a resolution. This will take place within 30 days. This will be final.
The Centre Administrator will maintain a record of all complaints and make these available on
request. All complaints must be regarded as confidential and discussed only with those parties
involved. Where the subject of the complaint is centred on a qualification, the Awarding Body
will be made aware if this is relevant.
In the instance where the complaint is around an assessment / verification decision, then the
stages outlined in the Appeals Procedure must be followed.