equal opportunities
Equal Opportunities Learner’s Charter
“Everyone has a part to play in ensuring we achieve equality of opportunity. We believe
that a positive attitude towards equality and diversity is right for our people, our clients
and our business suppliers. This means that we must encourage all our people to welcome
diversity and respect each person’s individuality”.
Carol Cobbett Founder and Director Horse Bit Fit
The following Learner Charter has been drawn up stating the standards of service you can expect
to receive as a learner of Horse Bit Fit
Using the Horse Bit Fit you can expect…
• to receive a highly quality learning experience
• to be given equal opportunities and treated fairly
• to be treated with courtesy
• to have access to advice, guidance and support to ensure your choices are informed
ones and that your learning needs are met
• to learn in a healthy and safe environment
• to be provided with timely and appropriate information on your progress
• to have staff listen to any issues, suggestions or concerns you may have, and to
respond in a relevant manner
In turn as a customer of Horse Bit Fit we would like you to:
• be fully committed to your course
• treat our staff with courtesy
• provide us with appropriate information to help us meet your learning and assessment
• ensure that your behaviour contributes to a healthy and safe environment
• abide by any rules specifically relating to online assessment
• communicate issues, suggestions or concerns using the procedures outlined in your
Student Handbook.
If for any reason you wish to make a formal complaint, then please access our formal complaints
procedure on the website or email horsebitfit@yahoo.com This policy has been approved &
authorised by:
Name: Carol Cobbett
Position: Founder and Director Horse Bit Fit
Date: 1.6.18
Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy
Aims and Objectives of the Policy
Horse Bit Fit has a duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make any reasonable
adjustments that can be made for our learners to ensure they are not discriminated against.
We aim to facilitate open and fair access to our training for learners who are eligible for reasonable
adjustments and / or special considerations without compromising the assessment
of skills, knowledge, understanding or competence being measured Horse Bit Fit achieve this
Reasonable Adjustments
Horse Bit Fit will consider requests for Reasonable Adjustments and Special
This is agreed at point of booking/registration. The learner must request within a reasonable
timeframe any adjustments that may be needed to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty,
which places the learner at a substantial disadvantage. Any requests for reasonable
adjustments must not affect the quality and reliability of the learning outcomes nor must they
give the learner an advantage over other learners undertaking the same or similar training.
Reasonable Adjustments may not be applied to training that will provide a “licence to practice”
or where the learner needs to demonstrate a practical competence.
Special Considerations
A special consideration request can be made during or after a training event to reflect
temporary illness, injury or indisposition that occurred at the time of the event. Any special
considerations granted cannot remove the difficulty the learner faced at the time of the event
and can only be a relatively small adjustment to ensure that the integrity of the training is not
compromised. Special consideration may not be applied to training that will provide a “licence
to practice” or where the learner needs to demonstrate a practical competence.
Horse Bit Fit will only consider requests for Reasonable Adjustments and Special
Considerations submitted within a timely manner and have completed the appropriate
paperwork for these requests.
Reasonable Adjustments
A reasonable adjustment helps to reduce the effect of a disability or a difficulty that places the
learner at a substantial disadvantage.
Reasonable adjustments must not affect the quality and reliability of the learning outcomes, but
may include;
• Ensuring any online learning is more accessible (such as ability to adjust display settings
and providing advice/guidance on speech technology)
• Providing assistance during an assessment of learning
• Adapting materials or providing it on coloured paper
• Re-organising the physical assessment/learning environment
• Use of mechanical and electronic aids
• Use of assistive software
• Use of low vision aids
• British Sign Language
Reasonable adjustments must be approved and set in place prior to any assessment or learning is
carried out.
Any assessment of work following a reasonable adjustment has been made must be carried out in
the same way of work from other learners.
Reasonable adjustments must never give a learner and advantage to other learners and must never
affect the quality or reliability of the learning.
It is important to note that not all requests for reasonable adjustments may be granted if they are not
deemed reasonable, permissible or practical in certain situations. The learner may not need, nor be
allowed, the same adjustments for all learning.
Requests for reasonable adjustments are approved by Horse Bit Fit prior to any
bookings/registrations are taken. They are intended to allow access to training / assessment but can
only be approved if the adjustment does not;
• Affect the quality and reliability of the learning
• Provide an unfair advantage to other learners
• Influence or compromise the final outcome of the assessment of learning
Any requests for reasonable adjustments must be made to
Horse Bit Fit within 7 days of registration / booking or at least 28 working days before an assessment
/ classroom event using the appropriate paperwork. If you are unsure if a learner requires a
reasonable adjustment please speak with Horse Bit Fit who will provide the relevant guidance.
Special Considerations
A special consideration is consideration given to a learner who was prepared and present at an
assessment but may have been disadvantaged by temporary illness, injury or adverse circumstances
outside of their control.
It is important to note that special consideration may not be possible where assessment requires the
demonstration of practical competence or the training provides a licence to practice.
Where an assessment of learning is carried out and marked by a computer, the learner will have the
ability to take it at a later date however this must be completed prior to any practical assessments or
other learning is carried out.
A special consideration cannot give a learner an unfair advantage to other learners and must not
mislead the learners’ achievement. The learner’s results must reflect their true achievement and not
potential ability. Horse Bit Fit decision on requests for special considerations will vary from learner to
learner and one subject to another. The factors may include the severity of the consideration, date
of assessment and the nature of the assessment such as practical or oral presentation.
The learner may be eligible for special considerations if;
• The performance in an assessment is affected by circumstances out of their control, such as
recent personal illness, accident or bereavement
• Alternative arrangements which were agreed in advance proved to be inappropriate or
• Part of an assessment / event was missed due to circumstances beyond the control of the
The learner will not be eligible for special consideration if;
• The leaner has not been affected at the time of an assessment by a particular condition
• Part of an assessment / event is missed due to personal arrangements including holidays
or unauthorised absence
• The event / assessment is affected by difficulties such as disturbances through building
work, lack of proper facilities, changes in or shortages of staff or industrial disputes
Examples of circumstances where special consideration may be given are;
• Terminal illness of the learner
• Recent bereavement of a member of the immediate family
• Serious of disruptive domestic crises leading to acute anxiety about the family
• Incapacitating illness or injury of the learner
• Severe car accident
• Outbreak of infection where learners are in isolation
• Lost or damaged work beyond the control of the learner
Special consideration will not be granted for minor illness or a minor disturbance.
Requests for special considerations are approved by Horse Bit Fit Applications for special
considerations must be made on case by case basis and thus separate applications must be
made for each learner. Any requests for special considerations will only be approved if they do
• Affect the quality and reliability of the learning
• Provide an unfair advantage to other learners
• Influence or compromise the final outcome of the assessment of learning
Any requests for special considerations must be made to Horse Bit Fit within 7 days of the
event or assessment using the appropriate paperwork. If you are unsure if a learner requires a
special consideration please speak with Horse Bit Fit who will provide the relevant guidance.
It is important to note that special consideration will not be granted if where learner achievement
has been acknowledged and certified.
This policy has been approved & authorised by:
Name: Carol Cobbett
Position: Founder and Director Horse Bit Fit
Date: 1.6.18
Horse Bit Fit Ltd recognises that learners may begin a programme of learning with some previous experience.
This policy is designed to provide guidance regarding recognition of prior learning (RPL) so that learners can achieve without duplicating any previous learning or assessment they have undertaken.
This policy applies to all who delivery training or qualifications on behalf of Horse Bit Fit Ltd
Horse Bit Fit Ltd Directors/CEO are responsible for maintenance, review and improvement of this policy.
We have identified the following principles which underpin all RPL assessments:
• Validity ensures assessment measures what it claims to measure, the evidence match the competences, the skills, knowledge and expertise that are being demonstrated by the learner at the appropriate level
• Reliability refers to the accuracy with which an assessment is measured. A reliable assessment consistently gives the same results under similar conditions ensuring different assessors place a similar value on the evidence provided and make similar judgments when confronted with the same evidence
• Authenticity refers to the ownership of the evidence. Assessors need to be confident that the work submitted really is the result of the learners’ own effort and expertise
• Currency refers to the date of the evidence. Assessors must be sure that the evidence submitted by the learner is recent enough to be considered a measure of the current levels of competence.
• Sufficiency is the amount of evidence to cover all the aspects of the required criteria There must be enough evidence to fully meet the requirements of the learning outcome, or learning outcomes being considered
• A fair assessment, in addition to being valid and reliable, provides equity of opportunity for learners in line with Equality legislation
• Quality is a key principle in ensuring the credibility and status of Horse Bit Fit Ltd accreditation
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a method of assessment that considers whether learners can demonstrate that they can meet assessment requirements through the knowledge, understanding or practical skills that they already possess.
Using RPL for the recognition of non-formal or informal learning involves a review of past experiences. It also includes learning gained through training in the workplace, the community and in the voluntary sector.
RPL does not cover previously certificated learning which is recognised as part of credit accumulation and transfer.
RPL can be used where learners can demonstrate that through their experience, they have already gained the relevant knowledge and or practical skills required.
People can gain a range of knowledge and skills through reflecting on their experience in order to identify relevant achievement. They should think about experience gained at work in any relevant voluntary work and leisure activities formal or informal education and training for example, adult education courses or in-company training from independent study.
Where evidence presented in support of a claim of RPL is strongly convincing, it may be deemed sufficient for the purpose of certification. If the evidence is less convincing, but nevertheless substantial, the learner might, where suitable:
• Undergo an oral assessment
• Complete an appropriate assignment
• Complete a written test
• Carry out a demonstration
• A combination of the above
RPL is appropriate for use where an individual’s learning has not been formally recognised. It enables recognition of achievement from a range of activities using any appropriate assessment methodology. Provided that the assessment requirements of a given qualification have been met, the use of RPL is acceptable for accrediting a whole qualification.
The knowledge, understanding and/or or skills in question may have been acquired in any area of life, for example, domestic / family life, education and training, work related activities, community or voluntary activities. As long as all the composite learning outcomes have been met, an individual can claim a qualification where RPL has been used to generate all or some of the evidence required.
In order to achieve recognition of achievement there are two options open to the learner:
• Undertake the same assessments as those following the formal course of learning and assessment that lead to the desired qualification. These assessments may be undertaken without attending the teaching sessions.
• Submit a portfolio of evidence based on previous learning, skills and / or competence cross referenced to the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for which RPL is being sought.
Horse Bit Fit Ltd engage instructors/assessors with appropriate expertise and knowledge to facilitate RPL. All relevant evidence is assessed against the assessment criteria before decisions are confirmed. In assessing using RPL the assessor/instructor must be satisfied that the evidence produced by the learner meets the required standard.
Horse Bit Fit Ltd keep appropriate records of RPL evidence.
The RPL assessment should be carried out as an entire process. This means that the assessor/instructor should:
• Plan with the learner
• Make a formal assessment decision
• Feedback assessment decisions to the learner, confirming decision and giving guidance on the available options
• Maintain records of assessment
• Ensure relevant evidence is assessed before assessment decisions are confirmed through verification procedures
• Ensure that learners are aware of their right to access the appeals process should they feel the assessment decision was unfair
• Certification and claims are made according to normal procedures
• The process is subject to the same quality assurance requirements as any other assessment method
Horse Bit Fit Ltd will ensure, all relevant evidence is kept securely and can be audited to ensure all learners have been entered onto the relevant training or qualification pathway. A risk register or log is kept.
This policy is reviewed regularly and updated annually or as and when required. You may find these websites useful:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-the-general-conditions-of- recognition